Australia From Dawn to Dusk (Signed Copy)


Welcome to Australia as you've never seen it before: a dreamy pastel-popping ode to the significant places and animals on the land we all call home.

Follow the sun and wake up to the sound of kookaburras laughing on Arakwal Country (Byron Bay), surf giant tubes with a crowd of noisy cockatoos on Yugambeh Country (Surfer’s Paradise), watch red-tailed black cockatoos fly over Anangu Country (Uluru) and go to sleep under the stars with Quokkas on Whadjuk Noongar Country (Rottnest Island).


Follow the sun across Australia

Wake up with Kookaburras on Arakwal Country (Byron Bay) and follow the sun as it makes its way across Australia before setting with sleepy Quokkas on Whadjuk Noongar Country (Rottnest Island).

Explore Traditional Country

Australia's story is ancient, rich, and deeply woven by its Traditional Owners. Discover the Traditional Country of Australia's most iconic places and natural landmarks.

A celebration of Australia's local wildlife

As you turn the page you will discover the vastly unique and beautiful local animals and marine life that call each unique place in Australia home.

Look out for the surfing koalas

Inside each page of Australia From Dawn to Dusk hides one or more cheeky, little surfing koalas searching for a wave to catch. Can you find them?

Signed by Brentos

Every copy of Australia From Dawn to Dusk is hand-signed by the illustrator before it leaves our studio.

A book that helps native Australian wildlife.

With every copy of Australia From Dawn to Dusk sold, Brentos donates 3% of royalty earnings and Affirm Press donates 3% gross profits to WIRES.

Shortlisted by the CBCA

Australia From Dawn to Dusk was shortlisted in 2023 for CBCA's New Illustrator Award.